Who Were Florence Price, Margaret Bonds & Helen Hagan?
Soprano and scholar Dr. Lisa Williamson partners with New Haven Symphony Orchestra musicians Tiffany Wee, Marika Basagoitia, Jennifer Quián-López, Rebecca Patterson, and William Braun to perform and discuss Price's String Quartet No. 2, Bonds's vocal music, and Hagan's newly discovered song titled "Eternity." Catering provided by Ricky D's.
The Stetson Library is the go-to cultural arts space for programs and events resonating with the predominantly African-American community of Stetson’s service area. Stetson Library is the cornerstone of the Q House revival. Throughout the year, Stetson partners with local organizations to bring social services to residents and among its continuing programs Stetson focuses on healthy lifestyles, youth development, mentoring and programming for teens at risk.